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01/04/07 10:15 PM

#23302 RE: Renavatio #23301

Bingo! Renavatio...That is exactly why,or at least what I believe.

And then consider what the reaction of BIGN shareholders would be to yet another 'we are still working on the LOI pr'?

At this point that sort of update is useless!



01/04/07 10:43 PM

#23306 RE: Renavatio #23301

Renavatio, I completely agree.

However, it was terrible failure if the LOI isn't completed soon (as in a week or so). It was my belief that we would get an EOY summary with a surprise for a sustained rally, but we received neither. People are now bailing on BIGN because trust is waning. Underperformance is all that we know, IMHO.

Now, I can't figure out why the record date was yesterday based on your good theory. This is my second divvy with BIGN, and I had the awful experience of a divvy with HISC that took 8 different record dates. I hope we're not in for deja vu. A dividend is not new to BIGN. TYEG record date was delayed, however. We will know if an amended record date will take place close to early February, numerous days after the pay date. Unfortunately, anything is possible with this company.


01/04/07 10:46 PM

#23307 RE: Renavatio #23301


In all honesty, your assumption has as much merit as anything
else right here,right now.

Best of luck to you,



01/04/07 11:09 PM

#23309 RE: Renavatio #23301

FWIW, I postulated such was the case...

here on 12/14. Now that we're back to where we started (or will be by the end of trading tomorrow) at the time of the divy announcement, the only thing they've accomplished with this fruitless tactic is obligate the company to pay 1:19 to a handful of people who likely owned the stock for no more than a week. Bravo.

Although, to answer your question specifically, there is a certain presumption in Question: could the promised Divy have been given... Nothing "have been given" yet. Given the history of this company in fulfilling projections and meeting deadlines, I won't believe it until I see it. Any incentive couched in the context of a forward-looking statement and proffered under Safe Harbor has as much value as, well, one and a third of a penny.


01/04/07 11:24 PM

#23310 RE: Renavatio #23301

Renavatio- it had a higher purpose,

and the divy was part of a bigger plan, IMHO.

It is good that we "work all day" and not sit in front of a computer more than 6.5 trading hours per day with "overtime" chatting to gripe all night. That kind of life makes one nearsighted and unable to finish with an investment like this one. It would be better that such a person day-trades "Momentum Stocks" and leave us alone.

This is the kind of stock that will run a week for 10 bags or 20 bags and then go sideways at a much higher level. The first and second days will be the biggest gains. Chasing such a run, especially if one can't get in an order until sometime during day two would be most frustrating.

Take a look at the CTUM chart and see what happened to those who missed the contract news on 02/15/06 by a few days:

Yeah, my cup seems "1/4 full" too, but it is a wonder to behold when it overflows in a couple of days and then keeps overflowing for a couple of weeks. I've been there with stocks like SLJB and PBLS when the full & overflowing cup shatters, and I refuse to miss the opposite experience when success "happens". OCICBW

The sentiment here tells me it is time for me to buy some more.
Seems like many folks with "smart money" think the same thing- the CMF and other accumulation indicators have proven this for me.

Live and learn.

Imperial Whazoo

01/04/07 11:50 PM

#23312 RE: Renavatio #23301

Yeah, I figure they could care less about whether their actions stimulated folks to buy more at year end. All they were trying to do, IMHO, was forestall an end of year "crash" as people who had held for a long time decided to sell their BIGN to take the loss to offset gains elsewhere in their portfolios. I was watching for a selloff to begin once people got their divy and the selling this week in BIGN is what happens once folks have booked their divy. So, the decision on everyone's brain is whether to take a loss now and use the proceeds (such as they are... diminished considerably) for something else or to hold on. The BOD caused people to hesitate and now fewer (probably) will bail. Now that its too late to take the tax loss, the size of the down swoop is probably reduced. The year end tax incentive of the loss was cleverly addressed by the divy. So, the size of the stock price swoon is probably going to be less pronounced than it would have been had they not announced the divy. In essence, the divy at that time of year was a defensive move and a rather well thought out one at that. It caused likely year end sellers to hesitate, which was all the BOD really wanted. I think it reveals that they are sensitive to not have their stock price go subpenny. I bet they have a PR or two cued up and loaded, ready to release to rescue a subpenny move, should it begin to occur. They probably would prefer to have the LOI close and release one massive PR, but they'll also probably trot out a PR or two on stuff they know will be modestly favorably received if it looks like sub-pennyland is imminent. That IMHO. of course.

In any event, if the divy acts like Tyche seems to be trending to do, then the shares from the divy will be worth a bunch once they pass out from restriction. Just my opinion, mind you.


Imperial Whazoo