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11/27/20 1:31 PM

#181304 RE: Werbe #181300

Who’s fault is then .035-.0005 please explain it then it’s HIS company


11/27/20 2:54 PM

#181315 RE: Werbe #181300

Lots of venting over unnecessary losses and yes it is 100% the CEO’s fault that he took millions in SBC, and put $500k into Pachyderm, rather than paying off existing notes. He let the notes convert, but never told anyone, which sticks the shareholders with the bill and it happened before anyone knew it was happening. Chris said the plan was to pay off the note and then nothing else ever said, and the note converted per the next filing.So yes it’s the CEO and CFO’s fault, without question! Also the OS was 1.5B and VRUS was debt free. Now the OS is double that or more, idk exact, but VRUS is loaded up with debt again.