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11/26/20 5:33 PM

#181281 RE: Coachshot99 #181279

He is a shotty finance guy trying to play public CEO, only he has no idea what he is doing. And I mean none. He’s not even a learn as he goes kind of guy. He is as dense and I’m sure as ignorantly arrogant as they come.

His idea of building a business is to buy control of someone else’s business with other peoples money, so he can claim the revenues as his success under public shell business. But he never sees them through, unless they require no time or effort from him. Most businesses functioning successfully aren’t for sale. Businesses get sold for a reason, usually do to struggles. So he buys these struggling businesses and doesn’t know how to help them, nor does he give them the resources to succeed. After a while of more of the same from that entity, he loses interest and is off to chase the next shiny new pipe dream, and he takes funding away from the existing businesses to do it.

If he was Saavy at business, he would have seen what he had right in front of him the entire time. He should have leveraged AG as a free consultant CBD. I mean, why wouldn’t you ask. Of course he wanted to be involved. He was our lead investor who’s specialty just happened to be CBD. And he had a vested interest in making it a success. That’s how a businessman would think and approach this business. But, a scammy finance guy, ignorant to how businesses work, would see an opportunity to take more for himself and cut out the lead investor, lying, stealing and scheming. Then he was left with a CBD business that he has no idea how to scale.

He makes bad deals without doing much DD, imo. He only looks to obtain instant revenues. That was fine at first because he already knew the food distributors that he was buying. So we scaled revenues quickly and it made him seem brilliant. Turns out that’s all he knows.

Of course back then he was constantly touting shareholder value and sucked us all in with triple digit growth and rocket emojis for shareholder equity. There is a tweet where he said they would never pursue a RS without a “reason,” and in that same tweet, he said they would not pursue dilutive financing. So many lies over the years, that even he can’t keep them straight. We just hear about these super duper opportunities and then nothing is ever done with them and we never hear anything about them ever again. There was the Buffalo contract worth $70M or so...the constantly touted backlog which never got filled...supposedly $38M in food contract backlogs that they could execute at any time, never did...Commercial Financing...Disney Juices...$10M Rice and Honey deal...French Fries...BLF - MLB candy and ice cream, with all these locations and contracts...then Nutribrands...then ZC Top (masks)...then the MFG plant in Houston...then Pachyderm...then Nut Butter. Not to mention the fake debacle with the Audit. He could have released unaudited Q4 numbers to us anytime, but chose not to. He is either really dumb or a very good con artist, neither of which should be running a publicly traded company and making decisions with money that isn’t his.

We never hear anything about the businesses producing all the revenue. We never see balance sheets or any financial info, just a line item of revenues. We don’t hear anything about them, likely because he is not really involved in those businesses. They don’t need him and likely don’t want him coming in and pretending like he knows everything about what they do and screwing up their businesses. He is toxic to any business that he gets involved with and he is a moral hazard to anyone who invests in his company or gives him money. He is the quintessential scumbag CEO that the OTC is known for. Max out the OS and RS, rinse and repeat.

Alright, I’ll get off my soapbox...he still makes my blood boil. Even more so because I believed he was going to be responsible with my money and I even defended him while he was planning to steal from me and my family and you and yours. I truly believed he was going to do the right thing, but the truth is, he is incapable and this is his legacy.

He is a low-importance scum bag OTC CEO that made his millions, not from success, but from stealing from thousands of everyday people. People who should have had their money elsewhere, but misplaced their trust based on false narratives and purchased revenues. Congrats Anshu, you tanked another business, but you still managed to get paid. I guess that means you are good at doing harm, and that’s an unfortunate skill to have perfected.
