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11/25/20 7:18 PM

#1177 RE: FairviewInvestor #1176

I made a mistake trusting Kelly's post and here is irascible Larry Marsden berating me for that: on IV:

Msg 592 of 592 at 11/24/2020 11:29:59 PM by


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So, you copied from an idiot on iHub who either....
....didn't read the whole press release and had a premature ejaculation over it, or is himself a dishonest pumper. The press release did include the Net Loss figure: "Net loss for the quarter was -$3,056,718 versus -$2,025,768 million in the prior year", not good. Did both of you idiots forget the "Safe Harbor Statement"? How many times have I told you to DO YOUR OWN DILLIGENCE, and don't trust Press Releases---that's why they always include a "Safe Harbor" statement.

If you read the only financial report that means anything (10Q) you would also have learned that:

Total current assets are down nearly $1.4M from Dec. 31, 2019
Total assets are down approx. $4.9M from Dec. 31, 2019
Total Liabilities are up $900K from Dec. 31, 2019

First, learn what "Gross Profit" is, then learn what "Net Profit" is, then wait until it is the correct time to say, "Whoopee, we made a profit." Until then---Shut the fuck up!