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11/25/20 8:33 AM

#11190 RE: jedijazz #11189

what since Biden there is PEACE

and no need for riot gear

and defunding is here

and less money spent on riot gear LLLI sells


these are not good times for this CANADIAN COMPANY


11/25/20 2:08 PM

#11195 RE: jedijazz #11189

Lamperd Less Lethal is a leading innovator of riot control products for police forces all over the world. The new hand-thrown Insta-Blast product just announced should be a very useful addition to the LLLI line of over 300 different products which are all designed for both effectiveness and safety.
Hand Thrown AERIAL BURST CS or OC INSTA-BLAST DEVICE for Crowd Control & Public Order

Part Number: PT7707IB – CS or OC

Lamperd Less Lethal has developed a new Hand Thrown CS Tear Gas or OC Pepper device called INSTA-BLAST which is designed to provide an aerial burst above a crowd to deter and disburse unruly persons at close quarters.INSTA-BLAST gives quick action with detonation at 0.5 seconds after the spoon is released. This device can incapacitate persons within seconds with breathing and vision impairment and its effects can last up to 15 minutes. INSTA-BLAST drops no harmful fallout and is lightweight so easily carried and used by officers.

Lamperd Less Lethal INSTA-BLAST Specifications:
> Aluminum head with plastic body. Total weight: 148 grams CS / 108 grams OC.
> After detonation weight is only 48 grams.
> Amount of CS Powder is 100 grams of CS or 60 grams of OC.
> Black powder required is 2.5 grains, activated by standard shot gun primer.
> Total height is 6.20 inch or 15.748 cm, width 2.20 inch or 5.588 cm.
