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11/23/20 5:45 PM

#346234 RE: Arrowhead44 #346231

I thoroughly understand his frustration.
F'ing libtards are salivating savages.
Bet half of them are going to plotz when they realize what they voted for...
That is IF they wake up.

The trick will be to find the young ones who see things our way and encourage them to fight back. Bet there are a lot of testosterone-filled young men who are sick of being punished for having an XY chromosome combination. With any luck, they'll be willing to push back. There are also young women who long to be traditional mothers. The kids would be better off. This whole "you can have it all" deal is BULLkrap.

JMO. What a freakin' mess.
The worst part... I blame the Youth Generation.
We opened Pandora's Box. What a freakin' mess.