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11/23/20 10:11 AM

#49498 RE: zugisland #49497

That's what I've been saying since this hit the grey chits. I don't believe he never took a salary. He just sells shares then for cash. Same difference.


11/23/20 10:27 AM

#49499 RE: zugisland #49497

I wouldn't trust what Brad said no more than I would trust the lying Bird Man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brad is the CEO, what self respecting CEO would allow all those HIGHLY MISLEADING photo's of himself to be taken, much less posted ?????????



11/23/20 11:50 AM

#49502 RE: zugisland #49497

Perhaps they have info such as Atrin dealings, transfer of stock to a different exchange or symbol or any other reason that is non-public.