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11/23/20 9:45 AM

#2006 RE: AAAtrades #2005

Until there is some honesty in the markets, we must wait for another bank to implode, Bitcoin to get hacked.....or major event type thing.


11/23/20 1:15 PM

#2007 RE: AAAtrades #2005

Hmm....must be some news pending.


11/24/20 4:08 PM

#2008 RE: AAAtrades #2005

Why in the world is silver going to be trading at even $30/oz on a SUSTAINED basis unless supply gets tight in the face of 'demand'..

WHY? And I ask this seriously because I have followed gold/silver, traded positions for several years now (since around 2014). And while they have had a few serious runs since 2008, they don't/haven't held those gains. And it was the dip after 2011 that gave me an entry so that I could sell physical for gains this year...

And during this time, I have researched, debated with folks as to WHY they should do any.thing more than at a minimum, provide some degree of profits for everyone involved in the mining of, moving of to market and sellers of.

What else is justified beyond that for silver and gold are no longer 'tied' to anything other than supply and demand for the physical available.

Asking seriously, because till now, while many work hard to justify their 'calls' for this and that price, none of it works out that way until they can create a 'run' in the sector, as it happened this year...

and on that note, as long as the price of silver can stay above $17, I suspect we can see AXU once it starts mining looking for at least $5/sh... But who knows what happens if the sector falls out of favor..

disclaimer: don't own any at the moment, looking for a buy in point and should have grabbed some when it dipped below $2.35..