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11/22/20 7:12 AM

#10106 RE: TradingThings4 #10105

Lol, not at all. McCabe hosed the guy on payments and left a environmental disaster . He walked just like he did here.

“”” Shortly after the facility was shut down, Watson Energy Investments fell behind on its payments to Wright. He excercised an option in the contract to take control of the facility. In a lawsuit filed in March against his former business partners, Wright maintains that Watson still owes him $495,000 of payments from sale and another $180,000 in crude oil royalties.

Railroad Commission officials fined the facility more than $181,000 for the violations and held Wright responsible. In an Oct. 2017 letter to the Railroad Commission, Wright’s attorney, Chris Pepper, said Wright did not have ownership or operational control of DeWitt after the sale and that despite requests, his name was never taken off agency records for the facility.””””