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11/20/20 10:42 AM

#30954 RE: Frizzizle #30931

A vaccination prevents the onset of the disease, but does not protect against further infection of others!
See what can happen:
Getting married in Corona times: One wedding and seven deaths !
A wedding in August in the US state of Maine had catastrophic consequences
The United States has been ravaged by the corona pandemic for months, but for a couple planning their wedding in the summer was no reason to reschedule. August 7th should be - Corona or not - the most beautiful day of their life. Or so they thought. The guest list was relatively manageable with 55 people.
But the wedding in a town in Maine turned into a super spreading event. The shocking balance: 177 infected and seven deaths. The US epidemic protection agency CDC has reconstructed this extraordinary case in a report - probably also to open people's eyes with this drastic example.
The first corona cases became known just five days after the wedding, when very few guests wore a mask or kept their distance despite the request of the bride and groom. Two people tested positive after complaining of a cough, sore throat and fever the day before. Just one day later, three other guests received their positive corona test results.
The US epidemic protection agency initiated an investigation into the outbreak at this point in time. Result of the research: All five wedding guests had apparently been infected with the virus at this wedding. At first it was unclear how many encounters the infected had in the five or six days after experiencing the symptoms. And who had acted as a "virus spreader", that is, was the super spreader.
The bride and groom and five relatives of the groom were not. They had come from California the day before the wedding and tested negative in Maine.
After some research, the epidemic authorities were finally able to identify a wedding guest as "patient zero", from whom the virus had been "distributed". He already had symptoms one day after the wedding - too early to be infected there.
On August 20, the number of wedding guests who were tested positive was already 27. There were also three people who tested positive and who had stayed in the immediate vicinity of the celebrants. The epidemic protection authority has already identified 30 "primary cases". And that's not all: Another 17 people had already contracted one of the wedding guests at the time (secondary cases). And these 17 infected another ten people (tertiary cases).
Let's keep in mind: at this point in time there were a total of 57 people who tested positive as a result of the wedding. And four of them had to be treated in hospital - one of them died of the disease.
But that's not all !
As a result, there were two more corona outbreaks - one of them in a care facility. A wedding guest had contact with an employee there. And that in turn passed it on to colleagues and residents. Balance of the infection there: 14 employees and 24 residents tested positive - six of them died.
The second corona outbreak hit a prison where another wedding guest works. Although he had symptoms a week after the wedding, he still went to work for five days. Then he and three of his colleagues were tested positive. The domino effect was not over yet: a total of 18 other prison staff fell ill as a result. They in turn infected 16 people in their private lives and 48 prisoners. On August 19, he and three other employees received their positive test results.
All in all, the US epidemic protection agency finally recorded 177 infected people and seven deaths in connection with the wedding.