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11/18/20 10:23 PM

#103481 RE: mick #103480

NBRI is an obvious fraud, and they are NOT a "current filer" as they are not an SEC registrant. The lies they pay OTCMarkets to post on their website are NOT "filings".

And the carbon sequestration is completely bogus. Nothing but lies.

NBRI is nothing but an obvious pump and dump that issues bogus news releases to help the toxic death spiral debt holders fool new buyers to take some of the 30+ BILLION shares they can convert the existing debt to off their hands.

No one can really be that ignorant to not only believe these obvious fraudulent claims by the Company, but to buy the stock here, can they?


11/25/20 11:12 AM

#103485 RE: mick #103480

Rcch holding and NBRI ?? Same désillusion ?