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Vanilla Fitbit

11/15/20 1:04 PM

#30549 RE: dude iligence #30540


While I will concede that EUA has been discussed “on here” ad nauseam,
I wholeheartedly do not believe that it will land like a “fart” like you say..

Because, due to the horrendous job NRX/RT has done with media,
when the EUA hit the entirety of the world is going to say “wait, what it this?”

Doctors across the world, who up until this point have had absolutely NO IDEA
that RLF exists, and have had to just “try and keep severe patients comfortable”
will see in a moment a LIGHT at the end of the severe patient tunnel.

The world will FINALLY begin to see the science, Xrays etc and begin to ask questions
with that starts a buzz about what, in my opinion, is THE best and ONLY option for
severe patients who haven’t responded to SOC or who went from diagnoses to severe in
a blink (in essence blew past the acceptable SOC)

So while many here may already be “tapped out” with buy orders and monetary commitments,
I feel the EUA will cause a BUZZ and EXCITEMENT about RLF which will bring a VERY LARGE