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11/14/20 2:35 AM

#332999 RE: sunspotter #332998

What's your angle here sunspotter?

Most of us who own shares in IPIX want to own a company that succeeds.. that is why we bought shares.

According to third party government labs Brilacidin shows great promise in fighting the Covid virus (amongst other ailments - see results from multiple FDA trials for other indications)..

Again, this is not just coming from Leo's lips.. you can read the Pre Print and the FDA trial results for yourself.

It is natural imo to be engaged and rooting for a company that one buys shares in..

people tend to follow their investments.. and spend time on message boards like these because they want their investments to be successful for them and their families and for the patients that could eventually benefit from a medical solution.

It takes a lot of money to bring a new drug to market and early investors take a lot of risk supplying this money..

Do you hope that IPIX succeeds?


11/14/20 9:35 AM

#333015 RE: sunspotter #332998

Mako’s lies were deliberate and malicious. They were coordinated with The Rosen Law Firm so that Rosen could announce the initiation of a class action lawsuit almost as soon as Mako’s “allegations” were published. Ever since, the company’s share price has been unable rise in spite of numerous positive trial results that would have caused the share price of any other drug company stock to climb. The result is that the company has struggled to raise capital.

Sunspotter said,

Any proof of those somewhat startling not to say earth shattering allegations?

Homicide does not have to be “deliberate” to be a crime. Any illegal activity that results in a human death is a homicide. Criminals who have committed unintentional killings may face charges of second degree murder, felony murder, misdemeanor manslaughter, and involuntary manslaughter. The criminal justice system also considers individuals who cause the deaths of other people through negligence or recklessness to be criminals. Under the criminal justice system, these criminals are charged with manslaughter. Malice aforethought is the common law way of saying that it is an unjustified killing. And, for a killing to be a murder, there typically has to be either an intent to kill, or, at minimum, conduct so reckless that it is punishable as murder. In this case, the fact that a development stage drug company’s stock being illegally manipulated could prevent that company from bringing lifesaving drugs to market is certainly a foreseeable event. And in most jurisdictions, there is no statute of limitations on homicide. In some jurisdictions, there is no statute of limitations on any felony. And yes, the manipulation that has been going on with this company’s stock is “pretty serious stuff” and can have some “pretty serious” consequences. I, for one, hope these criminals get everything they’ve got coming to them and then some.

Sunspotter said,

After all deliberate homicide is pretty serious stuff.