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11/13/20 11:07 PM

#641688 RE: krab #641668

That's a good theory.

Mnuchin working for the investment bankers in Wall Street instead of fulfilling his word and duty

Trump thinking about the presidency and his problems might make GSE last on his list of things to do.

Hopefully it won't be like that... We need a miracle


11/14/20 8:52 AM

#641708 RE: krab #641668

Quote: Mnuchin working for his greedy buddies

Most of Mnuchins greedy buddies own GSE stock. If he wants a cushy job upon his exit from Treasury, I assume he will get the 4th amendment done. But he also wants to do it in such a way that he is not hauled back in front of Congressional committees and accused of bribery or something. I can understand the slow cautious approach. But they will get this done.

Also, maybe the delay relates to a settlement that is at work behind the scenes.

Robert from yahoo bd

11/14/20 8:55 AM

#641709 RE: krab #641668

Sure, the current administration COULD HAVE taken on this after the 5th Circuit En Banc decision, but then MC would be removable "at will" by POTUS.

While I am not certain what would happen with the "at will" provision inserted into HERA by the 5th Circuit En Banc decision or whether other Circuits have ruled that "for cause" removal is Constitutional (thus creating a split amongst the Circuits), a settlement with the Collins Plaintiffs seems like it would allow MC to stay in power until the issue is resolved in the Judicial Branch.

If elimination of the nws and modification/elimination of the SPSA are compatible with the goal of getting them out of government control, a settlement seems like a viable solution.

One problem though will likely be that Senators Warren, Warner, Brown, et. al, will jump all over this and it could possibly have a negative impact on control for the US Senate in the Georgia runoff election scheduled for January 5th.

So maybe they will settle, if at all, post January 5th, but SCOTUS would not enjoy being used as a "trial court", but given the current contentious deeply divided political situation, they may understand.

Brooge warrants cancelled

11/14/20 6:01 PM

#641755 RE: krab #641668

what are you talking about? Paulson paid 1M for a dinner in 16' for trump election dinner


11/14/20 8:23 PM

#641766 RE: krab #641668

That's the predicament FNMA finds itself in.

Now we just have to hope the Sr. Preferred Cramdown Plan isn't the last ditch effort to get GSE Reform done.

It would be devastating for Commons to have fought this long, and posted so many messages on internet forums for so long, to end up getting shafted in the recap.

Let's see what cards we get dealt. Unfortunately, we're not going to have an option to draw new cards.

Will the Gamble on Commons pay off or will we realize in retrospect that Jr. Preferreds were the way to go all along?

Tick Tock goes the Commons' Clock.
