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10/17/03 2:15 AM

#15304 RE: HailMary #15301

HM, Re: This shows that computation products had revenue of $503M with an operating income of $19M, and flash products had revenue of $424M with an operating income of -$49M. I think this was also mentioned in the conference call, but I found this data to be very useful and interesting since I was assuming the flash products were making money.

I noticed the same thing. Even more interesting is that processors are making money. Looks like AMD has found their sweet spot wrt ASPs and volumes.


10/17/03 2:44 AM

#15309 RE: HailMary #15301

"I don't know if anyone noticed, but AMD is now breaking down operating income by division. "

I think most of us started noticing this about 5 or 6 years ago.

AMD has been doing this for at least 5 1/2 years. Here's a snippet from their April 98 earnings report.

Selected Corporate Data

Product Line Breakdown Q1 98 Q4 97 Q1 97

% of % of % of
Sales Revenue Sales Revenue Sales Revenue

Communications Group
(CPD, LPD, NPD) 28 $ 149M 28 $ 174M 31 $ 171M

Vantis (PLD) 10 56M 9 55M 13 69M

Memory Group (MG) 31 167M 30 181M 33 184M

Computation Products
Group (CMD, PPD, TMD) 31 169M 33 203M 23 128M

Other Data Q1 98 Q4 97 Q1 97

and Amortization $ 117M $ 108M $ 89M

Capital Additions 193M 250M(b) 151M

Headcount 12,936 12,759 12,025

International Sales 55% 56% 56%

(b) Restated from Q4 97.



10/17/03 3:07 AM

#15313 RE: HailMary #15301

The new breakdown of AMD's operating divisions is great. As long as they don't add a MISTAKE division that perpetually shows huge losses so they can claim the other divisions are having banner quarters. "The MISTAKE Division showed a loss of 200M this quarter, but we will never make those mistakes again!"



10/17/03 10:50 AM

#15335 RE: HailMary #15301

HailMary, last quarter the cpu division had a revenue of $402 mil. That was published.