Those thoughts I shared are not preposterous at all. However, here is what could be considered ignorant.
The court appointed Trustee is just that. He has nothing to do with DGTW.
1. It could be considered ignorant to think that the court appointed Trustee does have something to do with DGTW or would know anything that they are preparing to emerge from bankruptcy.
3. It could be considered ignorant to think that the court is only going to listen to one side of evidence without listening to what DGTW will be presenting within their Plan of Reorganization (POR) that have been confirmed to be coming from the company. Why would they even be having a hearing if the judge was going to only listen to one side?
4. It could be considered ignorant to think that DGTW is not going to be filing soon in their POR confirmation of business operations, employees, cash/funding, physical location, financials, and much more to prove its legitimacy.
5. It could be considered ignorant to think that there is not much more to the story as one should do further due diligence (DD) than just reading the court dockets on Pacer. That's a start, but I suggest all to call the DGTW CEO to personally speak with him to get the answers to any questions one might have and to also get an idea for what will be further coming as some significant Pacer updates in the near future. I would read this post below and all of the links within it in great detail below for starters:
I agree. Red flags everywhere. View my last post and see if it is pin worthy. Very telling info from 10Q August 2919 since no 10k and only 2 10Q's last year