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11/12/20 10:35 AM

#134848 RE: jpinvest14 #134843

I understand what you are saying (I really do) but it appears to be the other way around. I would argue that the company most definitely does have that knowledge base. First, the company knows exactly what they are doing (technology wise) and ARknet is proof of that. Businesses are beginning to use it and Upgrades are making it better all the time.

It was horrible in the beginning grantedly so because it was new. I will for one admit that it sucked. But it sucked (and it was also fun) because it was something brand new and didn't have may functions in the beginning. Those of us who were volunteer testers went through the aches and pains process of seeing it in real time (the glitches from upgrade to upgrade). But little by little when other pieces were added it was slowly getting better.

There are both ones on the KlickZie ARknet Founders Group Board (not talking about Telegram in general as there are many discussion boards there) who are positive absolutely, but at times certain ones of those positive posters have definitely expressed their upset as well (a few of them who are the strongest supporters of the stock) and haven't held back. So not everyone shares the same opinion that everything is wonderful and full of light all the time. Everyone has their moments.

However, it is a company discussion board over there, and ones shouldn't expect if negative views about the company are expressed (especially in a combative manner approach) that no one there will have their own opinions about that and express it. That will not happen.

It isn't really different than any other site. This discussion board has it's own set of rules. But DLM from what has been witnessed over and over in any discussion, whether certain ones have said nice things or just nasty things (because there have been times when ones show up who have been totally disrespectful-combative, not open to any type of listening ear, or who are just closed minded and won't listen) has always responded in a respectful manner.

Tautachrome is going to take time. I understand that. Some don't feel like they have the time to wait. I respect that. Some got into the stock perhaps without either checking into the company fully to make an informed decision (ones who "should" have known better perhaps) or who had just unrealistic expectations when getting into the stock. That's a given.

I understand the feeling about being attacked, however, if I was one with valid concerns in my mind and aired those feelings on that board, I would tune out the negativity. What I would focus on is my discussion with DLM who has proven to be very generous with his time in answering concerns of ones when it's appropriate to do so. I would express my concerns in a respectful manner. He always is always respectful back whether the individual is pleasant or just nasty. Ones will find what you have expressed happens on any discussion board including here. It happens.

Can anyone provide a link for another OTC Company (any OTC Company or any Company for that matter) out there where the company officials allow investors to talk directly with them at all times? I would love to see anyone post a link.