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11/05/20 7:02 PM

#55675 RE: jjch #55649

So much dilution?..

A. It is unknown if it was dilution unless TA updates.. with multi millions traded.. easily could be a MM fixing books at eod.

B. Ck erb# 15 mil today ..and that was def diluted. Opti 3mil or $260,000+- dollar amount.. compared to again multi million $$$ day.. is nothing.

C. If you think OPTI had to go to dollars today or tomorrow or that the MMS will let it run away to make people instant millionaires over night.. you have never traded a day in your life..imo

It's called trading for a reason..

Fact Opti is up 130% could do that everyday for a month.. idk.. but I never seen one go to a dollar overnight.. unless it crashes right back down in the same day or so.