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10/28/20 8:33 PM

#80294 RE: Trackman59 #80292

And WHERE did this photo come from? Someone's twitter? LOL! One question... did DSGT itself put this photo out as being current? PLUS, many reasons to photoshop (my daughter's a graphic designer) to make blemishes disappear, sharpen the appearance of things, etc. ALSO, this could easily be an OLD photo... there ARE recent photos, done since their Experience Center has been enlarged and updated. LOL, DSGT doesn't owe ME any explanation! Hahaha!


10/28/20 11:15 PM

#80315 RE: Trackman59 #80292

Thats Photoshopped, they must have put that together before they put the signs together.

These aren't and are the same building, this is the front,-122.132346,3a,75y,334.8h,94.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCsaJVEGVbGxWhOncAOb8Eg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

And this is the back,-122.1329515,3a,15y,139.99h,94.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sK3uYybwGOXUNAa-_bLtYzw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

Check these pictures from the Company below

FRONT now Scroll all the way Down


Looking out FRONT WINDOW at store across the street