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01/02/07 3:32 PM

#54927 RE: cosmoworld7 #54926

Either that or try these:

1. Continuing disappointment,
2. Shock as they awake from their dreamtime and discover (or, in your case, rediscover) that RaySpoiltMyInvestment is an OTC game,
3. Bewilderment as none of the promised new ventures and opportunities panned out just as they haven't for a decade,
4. Disbelief that Da Boyz are going to dilute even further with a third death spiral creative financing package featuring floorless debentures while they line their pockets from the commissions extracted for selling the wallpaper, and
5. Resignation when they realize they are bagholders in an OTC BB investment game.
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01/02/07 6:39 PM

#54934 RE: cosmoworld7 #54926

Cosmo, in this, our most imperfect of worlds, as Voltaire
slyly pointed out in "Candide,"
Anticipation all too often is left unrealized and the only thing remaining for us to do is to "tend our own garden" ... while the Rim officers tend theirs. I'm concerned that there will be excessive negative reaction if the awaited announcements are not forthcoming in short order after
the New Year's arrival. It's one thing to be a "long" - as I am - while, at the same time, to expect the company to respond to our "desire for a commercial realization announcement at a time when WE think it SHOULD be made available to us. Believe me, I can understand the unspoken thought that waiting can get old, BUT: not fair to management, and, while understandable, not realistic since we literally have no idea what phase the anticipated information releases are in - at the present time. We are so "loaded for bear" that I can feel the tension rising in the posts which address this matter.
I only hope that cooler heads will
prevail as we continue to tend to those matters which are within our control. Ultimately, we shall be rewarded for our patience. Good health and fortune to us all!

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01/02/07 7:18 PM

#54935 RE: cosmoworld7 #54926

So Cosmo, tomorrow should be a banner day for RIM, based upon your speculation ... I look forward to a blow out day, per your guidance.... I just can't wait to hear what you have to see if it goes the other way.
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01/02/07 7:44 PM

#54939 RE: cosmoworld7 #54926

I wish the SEC was watching it.