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10/25/20 11:44 AM

#346778 RE: cowtown jay #346776

cowtown_jay, SpongeTech INVALID shares can-be made-VALID like it was done recently with XMET?:

When they were INVALID?:

But now they are VALID again per more recent filing than the one above?

What are your thoughts about this?
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lucky, mydog

10/30/20 2:07 PM

#346782 RE: cowtown jay #346776

The SEC tried to revoke our shares,

and they did.

and the Bankruptcy Judge denied the revocation.

the judge has no authority to do that.

this is over.
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11/03/20 8:39 AM

#346784 RE: cowtown jay #346776

my account just shows 849109103

im pretty sure that is my spng shares

were my shares


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12/28/22 11:39 AM

#346880 RE: cowtown jay #346776

Hello Jay,

Have you set a date for your upcoming meeting with Loretta Lynch?

Staying tuned!