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10/24/20 3:58 PM

#2050 RE: Crusen #2049

Some may hold coal to be "non-renewable." but many know that coal is one of the first renewed energy sources used by humans on planet earth, and is continuing to be used as it is recycled into other forms of energy and products in the present and long term future.

The government offices and the misinforming critics do not determine the facts about about definitions. English is a language of convention, the most here are that convention for this space.

The time is takes for coal to form is not at issue here.

Pennies From God

10/24/20 5:59 PM

#2052 RE: Crusen #2049

Experts, BS.

Here is some food for thought:

If what you claim is true, solar cannot be classified as "Renewable" either, because the sun will one day burnout and render the solar panels un-useable just like coal.

Remember what I taught you before. There is always a dualism to what you state.

To quote the "EXPERTS" is no quote at all. Science is always in a state of redefining itself, because everything is always evolving to new and additional information. In fact, nobody, not even the "EXPERTS" know it all!

When you quote the "EXPERTS", watch out. Additionally, just because the government puts out a paper, means a person or persons opinions are being published to influence an individuals shallow belief system.

Again, if what you claim "a classified nonrenewable energy source because it takes millions of years to form" is coal, then, so is the sun.

Here is a small education in energy. A sun's ray takes millions of light years to get to our earth. Just (1) of those photons (light-beams) slows down in our either (our atmosphere) into (1) speck of dust that we can see (visualize). It is then called a speck of matter. That matter accumulates and turns into dust, dirt, trees, rocks, some metals and minerals. (It is being renewed in many different ways. Wood burns into energy, right?).

In other words, That nonrenewable energy, is what makes everything including coal, natural gas, oil, solar, wind and everything known to man and the complete universe.

The sun is the only thing that has no dualism, fact. When it's gone (burned out), it's gone period. (Nonrenewable).

I believe it can also be referred to as the ONLY original (cardinal-alpha) "NONRENEWABLE". I don't have to be an "EXPERT" to qualify this post.

But, I would be cautious as to what I parrot for the "EXPERTS". There is always someone who has read, learned or teaches additional information which changes known-stated facts called science which, like I said earlier, is always in a state of change or flux with newly introduced information, science and facts.

(Remember, it was once claimed "the world was flat).

If you are here to impress, forget it. Someone will always post something better. But if you are here to gain more information and expand your knowledge or insight, you need to come here (anywhere) with and open mind to all others.

As far as what you (they) call renewal/nonrenewable sources coal, solar and other energy sources, there is room for all of them. Here in America we compete against each other, we don't bully, push, gang, or muscle another competing company (or person) out of the way, just because you want it to be dominate of others.

Again, you compete fairly with your intellect and business sense (brains) with out harming others. Remember, most were here first. Many local economies and individuals are depending on it today tomorrow and in the future.

There is room for everyone. As you just learned, when you cite an article, it is just not that simple. You have to really, really think it through with an open mind, and just not what you want out of it.

Last thing you want to do is show up here, find that everyone else has left, because you keep trying to get your point across in a forceful way.

Good luck.