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10/23/20 11:51 AM

#204446 RE: want2retire #204445

The Company has accelerated the planting of additional mulberry under contract and control to eliminate these issues for future production cycles

Did they first test the soil, before planting said mulberry trees?

Appears like a "rush job."

Growing Mulberry

For optimum growth, the soil where you are planning to plant your mulberry should be well drained and between pH 5.5 and pH 7.0. If the soil is below pH 5.5, it can be limed. Soil with a pH between 7.0 and pH 8.3 can be treated with sulfur to lower the soil pH. Although not ideal, Morus rubra and Morus nigra can grow in soils up to pH 8.5. Your county agricultural extension office can accurately test your soil for pH and nutrients (some even do testing for free), or you can get a soil test kit from a home improvement center for under twenty dollars. Ideally, soil treatment should be done at least a year before planting, but few have that kind of foresight.

If the planting location is not a rich organic loam, you should add a good amount of organic matter to the planting hole, as this will greatly enhance the growth of your tree and protect the roots from becoming too dry during droughts. One or two bags of compost (from a nursery, home improvement center, or your own mature compost) should be mixed in at a ratio of 1 part compost to 3 parts soil from the planting hole.



10/23/20 11:59 AM

#204450 RE: want2retire #204445

Interesting. Leaves can be harvested from freshly planted mulberries in 4-5 months after planting. I did not know that.

“These cuttings are planted in row system in the well ploughed and well manured field in the month of June. Each cutting is allowed to grow upto 3-4 feet height to form the bushy plant. Thus the bush mulberry is grown from cuttings and leaves can be plucked from the 4-5 months old bush mulberry tree. In one year old bush mulberry, first pruning is to be done. From bush mulberry, leaves can be plucked four to six times in a year. The bush mulberry yields good quality of leaves for about 25 to 30 years provided proper manuring and pruning are to be done. Manure helps the plants for proper growth and pruning helps the plant for development of new branches with new leaves.”


10/23/20 12:07 PM

#204453 RE: want2retire #204445

Cool thanks for that

My ignorance, my bad for not seeing this before