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10/21/20 9:46 PM

#50856 RE: GreenShift #50855

Do the bathrooms at Greenshift Corp have the rolls of toilet paper hanging from the holder with the paper next to the wall or does it roll over the front?

Thanks in advance.


10/21/20 10:05 PM

#50857 RE: GreenShift #50855

Thanks for the update...


10/22/20 8:19 AM

#50858 RE: GreenShift #50855

Thank you for the update

I am patiently awaiting becoming current on the Financials

In regards to the Greenshift Posting:
- I must admit; I do not understand everything that is going on behind the curtain

- I'm near the end of my kool-aid pitcher

Harry Winston

11/18/20 11:43 AM

#50899 RE: GreenShift #50855

As other people have done, I'm going to assume that Kevin Kriesler is the auhor of the messages that are posted on the Greenshift account on this message board.

Mr Kriesler, thank you for the information that you have shared here. I bought tens of thousands of GERS shares years ago, and I still own almost all of them. It is very refreshing to read that my continued ownership of these shares has an increasing chance of seeing a profit, peraps even a profit that I could brag about to my frien2ds.

I only have two criticisms at this time. Your company's news page was updated last May, but the last update before then is dated three and a half years earlier. As an investor, I want information released by your company to the public at least once a year.

The other criticism is a very minor one. The informtion that you gave us on this message board was presented as a series of questions and answers. That format is sometimes used by professional journalists, but when a company president does it, it's confusing. The next time you release some information, please omit the questions and just write a series of statements that include a lot of facts and figures, all of them as accurate and timely as you can make those statements.

Respectfully signed,
"Harry Winston", a pseudonym for a living investor in Greenshift common stock

Harry Winston

02/15/21 8:49 AM

#51158 RE: GreenShift #50855

Viridis Asset Management, LLC (my holding company) and its assigns beneficially own 80% of GreenShift’s fully-diluted issued and outstanding capital stock in the form of preferred equity.

This one sentence, made as part of a public statement that the ompany made last October, less than six months ago, will discourage many potential investors from buying a significant amount of shares of the stock in the Greenshift Corporation, regardless of the recent and dramatic rise of the stock price, regardless of the kinds of products that they offer, and even regardless of the status of their lawsuit.

The latest information given to us by the company is that nobody, not even someone who wins a multi-million-dollar lottery jackpot, can buy more than 20% of the 20 million outstanding shares. Nobody can buy more than 4 million shares which have recently traded at 25¢. Nobody, not even someone who won $50 million in a lottery jackpot, is allowed to spend more than $1 million to buy some GERS shares.

Harry Winston

07/23/21 9:15 PM

#52032 RE: GreenShift #50855

This post is to provide each of you with a copy of a Q&A with another investor involving previously-accessible public information.

That post, from the Greenshift CEO, presumably Kevin, was made nine months ago. In fact, the nine-month anniversary of the post was two days ago.

The rest of this post had a lot of optimism and even some almost-useful information, like an estimate of the number of outstanding shares. Unfortunately for all of us, Greenshift lost their patent infringement suit a few months after they posted this optimism.

Unfortunately for the GERS shareholders, Kevin stabbed us in the back twice. Once by refusing to tell us how the end of the suit affected the company's financial health, and once by putting this ridiculous Public Benefit page on Greenshift's website. That page was a crystal-clear statement of the company's desire to trade the company's Fiduciary Duty to its' shareholders into a commitment to some unnamed "stakeholders". The word "shareholder" is completely missing from this statement.

If the optimism that the company bragged about nine months ago had any basis in fact, and if the loss of their disputed patents didn't hurt them much, then I could've expected some good news to leak out over time, followed by some hard numbers, and then followed later by a rising share price.

Since the share price is dying, the statements made by this company nine months ago are damn lies except for the number of outstanding shares. That statement is just doubtful.

I hope a GERS shareholder files a big lawsuit, followed by a discovery process that tells us more in one week than Kevin has told us in the past four years and counting.