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10/21/20 12:51 PM

#11902 RE: shell3 #11901

COVID Trial Completion will be any day based on the prior trend of 25% enrollment per ~3 week period (we hit 75% over 3 weeks ago).


10/21/20 12:53 PM

#11903 RE: shell3 #11901

Thanks Shell.. im learning slow but sure.

Btw.. quote: "he hides his AGNPF"

The "he" you reference, I assume, you are speaking of the infamous, notorious one, who I will also, not mention by name.

Let's just refer to him as Special K, for now.

At least until I cash

For all of his scheming, I made out very well with the sis.. and remain here, basically for free.

Still don't trust him, as my mother would say, as far as I can throw him.

Oh well.. we've been pushing this boulder uphill for too long.

So whether we reach the top, and finally get this thing rolling downhill.. toasting Dr. Mark in Vegas.

...Or the rock crushes us.. resulting in, hopefully, a quick, painless death.

Either way.. it'll be a relief.

Hang in there fellow Algernaut's! The end to the Long and Winding road is near.



10/21/20 1:08 PM

#11905 RE: shell3 #11901

I give credit to AGN/You for calling out the devil. Seems to have no concern for the investments, just cullet shares to eek miniscule results at all other's detriments. Stupid sad, pissing in the soup bowls everyone must share and that the public Smells.

BUT Data Results, after full enrollment and last patient dosed in the COVID Trial, are what matters now, IMO...GLTA...