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10/20/20 8:57 PM

#216 RE: tulla236a #215

Novonix Single Crystal Cathode development

It is important to remember that Novonix is not just a graphite anode supplier, or electrolyte supplier or cathode supplier or new manufacturing process licensor, but all of those above.

But a supplier of EV and Grid Storage materials across the entire battery material supply chain. Starting with PUREgraphite anode now!

When you sinter and blend the Lithium carbonate into a Cathode (NMC NCA or LFP) this is how you create the Cathode ready material for battery.

Novonix didnt go into too much detail about their Single Crystal Cathode materials they are working on, but as you can see below. There was plenty of commentary about it.

I have copy and pasted some screen shots for you all below from that presentation to the OTC markets with some commentary.

Over the next 6-12 months we should see a few announcements regarding this extremely valuable component of lithium ion batteries.