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10/13/20 3:48 PM

#162264 RE: emptyone #162262

It's quite a mess. Nothing can save them.

Fussy Group

10/13/20 3:57 PM

#162265 RE: emptyone #162262

reply to EmptyOne. yes, you nailed the financial horrors facing any turnaround for either company. combine that with the lack of reporting on what revenues the TRADING OF FISH or the RAISING OF FISH might be producing and one has to wonder whether a turnaround is possible. assuming that the objectives of plaintiffs are now met for this step, that they have won at least a couple of years of counterbalancing at the least and maybe outright veto at the most as to Solomon, what steps advance revenues? dispose of property rights in some kind of quick liquidation and distribution? bring in capital to expand some segments of operations that have been capable of segregation from failures?