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10/09/20 8:02 AM

#26488 RE: StupidMillennial #26485

StupidMillennial, I will simplify it all for you;

BBRW O/S is reported at OTCMarkets. It has increased again to 1,874,269,389 while the company is trying to make people believe they are buying shares back;

Secondly, BBRW or any other stock's share price is based on what someone is willing to pay for it; not EPS, revenues, or business whatsoever.

Penny stocks are popularity contests. BBRW was popular for several months. The BBRW 3rd Quarter report is due on November 16. The company has reported less than $100,000 in revenues for the first 6 months of 2020 while touting tens of millions of revenues in their Press Releases.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.