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Scooter McCabe

10/08/20 8:58 AM

#122013 RE: Vegas Stocks #122009

Fox News Is Another Mirage

Let us not forget that Nader was on Fox News before. Let's not forget he promised a lot of things in that interview. He gave timelines and he touted the drug.

We were later served a nothing burger. Better yet we say a massive short attack because we had nothing solid to defend the company with. The share price fell and Nader was left screaming like a child promising legal action that never came.

So yesterday we had Nader on with Cavuto. So objectively look at that interview.

Was it any different than the one he gave months ago?

No. Promises and timelines abounded.

Did he conduct himself professionally?

No, he sounded like a huckster in the market square talking as fast as he could to rope a dope into a sale. He had the chance to be interviewed and opted to ramble and cut off a Fox News host with a strong following. Not to mention Fox Business is one of the most watched channels out there.

That interview screamed "shady CEO/first time CEO" and I can tell you with how badly that went Cavuto told his staff "never again with that guy."

Let's remember we were at 10 dollars until the wheels came off and Nader was caught with his pants down. Let's remember why:

Nader over promised and gave an unrealistic timeline, he failed to meet it and the vultures descended. You expect him to actually hit this timeline based on rabid babbling on Fox? No, he is going to blow it again. He is not the CEO this company needs now.

Another bad sign the President has already endorsed other drugs and we were not on the list. This goes back to being badly out of position in the market.

Support Nader at your financial ruin.