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10/06/20 7:05 PM

#201068 RE: Alyssa #201066

Don't take my word for it

Talk to any council about the delays. It's standard practice. Go to the DOJ site and find a similar fraud case then go to Courtlistner or Pacer and see the delays. It can be requested from council or pushed from the DOJ for many reasons. If everything was so off, why sign away your right to a speedy trial. Why not just go to the prelim hearing on 7/2/2020 and state your case quickly? The DOJ is following the legal process. Just look at some of the other cases out there, such as Theranos Trial. Sometimes it takes years.

And I'm seeing something different from what you are reading from the SEC and DOJ.

First, talking about having a test publicly on March 17, 2020 to medical clinics announcing that Arrayit had developed a COVID-19 while having ordered the COVID-19 antigens that would be necessary to attempt to develop a test on that same date. Even if you claim that there's a test in development, that's a misleading statement. Even if you bring up the Rhubarb Pie statement and believe it was that easy to create the test, to have the FDA come back and say it was bad Rhubarb pie and not correct it in the marketplace is not hearsay. But if that's somehow incorrect, why tell the DOJ that you were going to source a 3rd party test? They have not put a cease out there, but I don't see any conformation of a test for use either.

As for the SEC it seems concrete on dates and times. No hearsay there either. There were communications with dates and times confirmed by the auditor and many instances talking about financial document dates being released to the public and questioned time and time again by investors. Now that we have a statement from the auditor, there's no way that could have ever happened. That's misleading. They decided to not file required documents for over 5 years. Why not??? What could possibly be the reason for not filing. Why not just do it right and get audited financials and nip all of this in the bud? Talking about hearsay the statements they put out for years fits into that category.

The DOJ has what a 97% conviction rate? That does not come from bumbling oafs trying to be Covid over zealous. In those couple of years investigating all of the information they had was reviewed time and time again by superiors before they ever got close to issuing the complaints. There has to be hard facts based on evidence not people on message boards crying that they lost money. Remember there's already one person that has put in a guilty plea.

So as I said before, I'm open to being wrong. I think most here are eager to hear what the explanation is going to be to the charges. But to say it's because of over zealous DOJ/SEC, big pharma or any other outside force is incorrect. They had years to clear their name and fly right and chose not too. Now, unless there is a deal we should hear the truth in open court.


10/06/20 10:37 PM

#201071 RE: Alyssa #201066

Nonsense....the SEC is completely accurate concerning Schena's fraud and conspiracy charges....That's why he's's like fish in a barrel. Easy because it is so clear and well defined. suspension junk.