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10/06/20 11:38 AM

#862 RE: TuMaRu #861

Well it's all a part of the Globalist agenda. It's going on globally not just here. In all of the Western hemisphere. It's all part of the communist agenda. . Immigration invasion under the guise of "ethnic diversity and humanitarian crisis". The truth is, the crisis are created by economic attacks orchestated by none other than the globalist banking system itself. Driving tens and hundreds of millions of immigrants from the east into the west.

As some call it, the "biblical end time events are unfolding". Religions will soon collide and when it all falls down this time, it'll be happening right in our own front doors due to policies orchesrated by United Nations Globalist design and implemented by none other than our own sold out leadership .. Well some of them sold out, some of them are just too ignorant to understand the end game or have been programmed by their own masters to believe that it's all "A big Ole George Bush Conspiracy theory". They're working us from all directions.