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10/04/20 10:04 AM

#326641 RE: loanranger #326638

Impressive recap.

Posted by: loanranger

1. 3 people who are in daily contact with the President are aware of the results of a coronavirus test using a combination of IPIX's Brilacidin and Gilead's Remdesivir and the results of a test using Brilacidin alone.

2. A US Senator who is also a Doctor is tracking Brilacidin's IND application.
(note: to my knowledge no IND application has been filed)

3. The Minority Leader of the House of Representatives is to be advised of the "R&B combo viral suppression results and IND application" this evening.

4. No animal studies will be required in order to proceed with clinical trials of Brilacidin for Covid.


10/04/20 2:34 PM

#326682 RE: loanranger #326638

I have CL’s screen shot, and concur the assertions you make about it.


10/05/20 7:51 AM

#326752 RE: loanranger #326638

#DDAmanda Chart on: $IPIX :

What the Fact (Factor) Column is:

The Factor is a proprietary indicator used for scanning in #DDAmanda.

It's defined as Today's $Traded divided by the average daily $Traded (20 day avg).

SO, if a stock has say a 10 Factor that day, it means she traded 10 Times the $ she normally trades.

That's significant, and many times indicates that a run in the stock is coming.

