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10/04/20 11:00 AM

#16603 RE: NoamCohen #16602

Some other members might have better links (sticky by Manti from april), but here's a general gist

- Company handles all the aspects of solar installs (install, financing, sales)
- Has a fair number of clients both big and small (they do have a twitter @SPECTACULARSOL1) where they have talked to some partners in the past
- Currently are working on a Audit of their books since changing tickers a year or 2 back. This audit is late at the moment due to some issues with COVID and replacing their CFO
- If you look their past financial disclosures you will see no debt and pretty good numbers in general (current ones are delayed a bit due to them wanting to release with the audit)
- The plan they mentioned earlier in the year was to release the Audit and fins, then uplist to higher bands of OTC and I believe NASDAQ at a later time

The CEO was more open in communications until the audit started lagging. With this stock you don't see a lot of PRs or posts, just when more impactful things drop. So it's not for those who are looking for a constant stream of info, but it's a pretty solid company numbers wise and actually are doing solar work.