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10/01/20 5:59 PM

#326085 RE: roiresearch #326084

Aarthi Narayanan, Assistant Professor, National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases, received $35,000 from Innovation Pharmaceuticals, Inc., for a project in which she is examining the use of Brilacidin for the treatment of coronavirus infections.

Brilacidin is an investigational new drug. It is a polymer-based antibiotic currently in human clinical trials. It represents a new class of antibiotics called host defense protein mimetics, or HDP-mimetics, which are non-peptide synthetic small molecules modeled after host defense peptides.

As part of this project, Narayanan will first determine the EC50 values, or the concentration of the drug that gives a half-maximal response.

From there, Naryanan and her collaborators will evaluate if Brilacidin has direct virus-killing activity.

They will also assess whether Brilacidin can be provided as a second dose to infected cells without inducing toxicity.

As they work, the researchers will time their experiments to determine the appropriate timing of treatment.

Funding for this research began in May 2020 and will conclude in late August 2020.

Leo will not PR he paid 35k... That would go against the theory here that it was free. For 35K, they probably work one day per-week on B... LOL
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10/01/20 7:24 PM

#326091 RE: roiresearch #326084

Perhaps you are invested in the wrong company. Patience is part of staying sane and knowing the company helps with the waiting. Go back 7 months and see if this is a company you’d invest in. What’s been done in the last 7 months is amazing and if BrilAcidin actually gets into human trials in the fourth quarter it will be nothing short of amazing given where we were last January.

The information on selectivity was released in a PR a few weeks a ago (+/-300 I think). You said,”... no follow through...” Longs say “ follow through yet!” Things take time. Sometimes longer than even a future CEO Of The Year can predict. RBLs have their own timeline and agenda.

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10/01/20 10:17 PM

#326103 RE: roiresearch #326084

I'm with you on that.... totally!
We wait all these days/weeks/months n then a PR with some news..then back to speculation phase.. unreal! Now, I'm worried. ..a next PR w/ all good to go except for a slight glitch in manufacturing or an encouraging discussions with XYZ agency etc etc ..there goes from Q4 to Q1/2021?
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10/01/20 10:22 PM

#326104 RE: roiresearch #326084


NOW you're smelling what I'm steppin in.

Not sure why everyone's got 'enable-Leo-mode' engaged and has their heads in their collective asses about all this stuff?

Leo's sauna-buddies on the board providing exactly zero oversight.
No shareholder meetings.
Pumping PR's and then selling into any movement to 'capitalize' the company and pay Leo's salary. Seldom-run trials to keep the interest alive...
I could go on...


June 5th there was a PR stating GMU received $35,000 from Innovation Pharmaceuticals to study brilacidn to come up with certain values.

Why can GMU make that announcement?

Why hasn't IPIX make that same announcement?

Why is GMU updating the medical community on other major updates, yet we get a 'read between the lines' PR from IPIX as to when it's combined with Gilead's drug, that it basically destroys Covid as if never entered one's system?

Need an example:

I have already stated Chimeron Bio and Emergex yesterday

Is Brilacidin top secret? I can see why the longs who have been here for several years get upset at new, anxious bulls that ultimately get let down by a company that has a habit of releasing exciting PR's with no follow through.

Just pull up the August PR's and don't taunt me with rhetoric

Yup, looks like i am becoming one of those longs who are not willing to believe in reading between the lines is what is actually happening. Blah