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10/02/20 1:52 AM

#40320 RE: T-Hawk #40317

Now ya see it now ya don't but try

Once again.. Expertise takes some actual education not just a say so. I do have some.

What's the point? Point is why we are even here test mining which DOES exist and I did assist blaze the trail in US Owned Mexican mining after 1994 NAFTA into effect.

Converse is difficult as hard to see if just confused or attempt is be confusing in jest.

Why was Gold Resource entry ito Mexico so important a lesson for Mexus. One of the first allowed by NAFTA to be US majority owned. Exact why Reid brothers determined to begin GRC operations there. Blazed a plain trail for small non SEC resource test mining that Mexus tries to follow in what has been lean financing times. GORO start was in the $250 to $1900 POG 2002 to 2010..

"doesn't mean it's a SEC requirement".

Not able to see the SEC Guide required is NOT to report as revenue so must be cost expensed unless there is a proven defined resource. Hard to believe speaking then on much of anything.

"Just t because Gold Resources didn't report gold sales as revenue doesn't mean it's a SEC requirement. I'll point out (once again) Mexus previously reported gold sales as revenue in it's 10-k.

It REPORTED back then washed NUGGETS ( ALL THE HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS EASILY HIDDEN ONES) sales long halted with the placer operating brothers as MXSG now proclaimed enemies which were NOT GUIDE 7 processed ore recovered which is not allowed with no listed resource. IOW Where the heck you been last 4 years? WASHED HIDDEN NUGGETS ARE NOT SOMEWAY PROCESSED NON ASSET SEC DEFINED ORE. GET IT? WHY NEVER SINCE? IT STOPPED!

"Have the SEC guidlelines changed since 2012? If so, please link to those changes or let us know specifically where they can be found (what reg, sub title, section etc.)."

Quite somewhat!. You tell me. Again where ya been last 4 years?

Read this:

"Appropriate assessments of other reasonably assumed modifying factors necessary to demonstrate reasonable prospects for economic extraction."

Economic extraction is defined as having an SEC recognized asset to
extract. Otherwise is test mining cost expensed no revenue asset.