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10/01/20 12:54 PM

#94039 RE: dms1 #94038

Apparently that one man shop led by a 90 year old man has been pretty effected to be one of three testing companies running beta test at Heathrow Airport London.

Of course they are probably a young growing company, almost a one man shop led by a 90 year old. I'm sure he's out there every day selling away.

The rapid antigen test, developed by Innova Medical Group and marketed by UK-based company Tried&Tested.Tech, is now being touted as a quicker, cheaper and far more reliable alternative to the more common polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, potentially allowing the Government to replace quarantine restrictions with the type of rigorous testing programme


10/01/20 12:56 PM

#94040 RE: dms1 #94038

Come on, man. They have lots of feet on the street (or in the seat):

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