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09/29/20 11:30 PM

#33586 RE: jevil2019 #33567

I fully expect a positive ruling, that's why the stock ISN'T going up tomorrow—everyone watching it already knows the judge is going to approve the BK plan. It isn't a catalyst if it's information the market it already aware of.

You want to spin a narrative where anyone posting perceived negative information is a short, but in fact the information I post is not negative, it's ACCURATE, whereas the claims I counter are INACCURATE and FRAUDULENT. The most euphoric voices are the ones who plan to sell the soonest—they are flippers incapable of any kind of long-term thinking. Making fraudulent claims, like that the company has "confirmed" phase 2 funding or trial start date, benefits no one, not even longs; instead it causes malinvestment and volatility that will make it harder for longs to know when to sell. Even the pump and dump criminals posting misinformation lose, as their way of life never works in the long term.