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09/29/20 11:17 AM

#119582 RE: Saltz #119561

That's what I'm looking for - where the share price will bottom out.

Grip wrote yesterday -

"Now, you ask about Nader's failures:

Being sued AGAIN for unjust enrichment. First time, Nader settled"

I'm aware of the suit brought forth by the former management team. Is this the suit that has been settled? Do we know under what terms? Did Nader have to give back the shares that he received unjustly?

What other suit is Grip referring to?

Maybe Nader will be sued a third time if this compensation package gets approved. Show me a profit on the bottom line before asking for this kind of money. Even then, 5.5 million shares is unreasonably excessive. If the share price goes to $20, that's $110 million to Nader. Looks like just another bunch of greedy corporate executives to me.