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09/28/20 4:24 PM

#12745 RE: FRED8 #12743

Thanks for the feedback. Question, how do you know 2000 IU was toxic to you after having Covid19 or Corona Flu virus? Awesome story there, sorry you got the ???? Bug.

What does extra "thirst & urination" have to do with "hypercalcemia"

I been taking 10,000 IU day for 3 years.

I had a time where I could take any Vitamin C or E, but I some other underlying issues, that once solved, I could take them again...

"exhaustion" (late leads to Adrenal fatigue in many cases), & exposure to freezing temps" will get us for sure. Getting ill will lead to Adrenal fatigue or a worse case also.

It's, Adrenal fatgue is like running of air (dirty filter) or gas (empty gas tank) or engine oil in a car.

And IMO is what people have months of ongoing symptoms after Covid19, the body ran out oil, gas and air, like a car, except it is an adrenal gland version like Diabetes with the Pancreas.