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09/26/20 10:00 PM

#80014 RE: wedman #80012

CA was the first state to do all of this in 2018 and we lost seats we had won and other elections all over the state. I am scared also because if they are doing it in so many blue states during a national election I do not see how we can win because here they waited weeks and everyday said they found more ballots etc. in all the red races that were lost. We must have a voter ID requirement and for absentee ballots a way to verify votes. The mail out ballots is a first and a complete and utter disaster just waiting to happen ahead. We all must pray to God for help. We must win back Congress keep the Senate and the Presidency. If we can do that we can change laws to stop all of this! We had all 3 but we had a do nothing Congress those first 2 years that they had promised to do, sadly that screwed us over that is how the Dems won in 2018!

My main concern is voter fraud with mail in ballots. How do we win against such corruption? Someone make me feel better? I can’t see how we beat that problem?

crazy horse 0

09/26/20 10:04 PM

#80015 RE: wedman #80012

Judicial Watch Statement on Supreme Court Nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton issued the following statement in response to President Trump’s nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court:

What a brave, wonderful Supreme Court pick by President Trump! President Trump has once again stood up for the U.S. Constitution with his nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Judge Barrett has a demonstrated record of applying the rule of law rather than legislating from the bench. Her record shows that she will not only respect but apply the U.S. Constitution as written and intended by our Founding Fathers. And it would be a wonderful milestone that Judge Barrett would be the first conservative woman member on the Supreme Court. She seems to be a full spectrum conservative who is likely to be a force on the Supreme Court for years to come.

This nomination is another great victory for constitutional government and a blow to politicized decision-making on the Supreme Court. Most Americans agree with Judge Barrett that the Supreme Court should apply the law as it is written and leave the legislating to the people’s elected representatives.

The U.S. Senate should move quickly to work with President Trump to consider and approve Judge Barrett before Election Day. There is not much radical liberals can do to stop this excellent Supreme Court pick. Leftist threats of violence and court-packing should not slow the Senate one bit. And all Americans should reject the growing un-American campaign by the radical left to attack her family and oppose Justice Barrett because of her religious faith.

Judge Barrett cannot be confirmed soon enough.



09/26/20 11:16 PM

#80019 RE: wedman #80012

Combat Veteran Navy SEAL with 24 years of experience with several SEAL
Teams including SEAL Team-6. Master Training specialist designing many
courses including the SEAL Team's first Hand to Hand Fighting Course.
CIA security officer with 11 years in Combat Zones including Iraq,
Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan and Libya.

I have a full range of online courses on developing intuition.
Developing and utilizing intuition over my 35 year career was the
greatest achievement I experienced and now I share these life changing
experiences and share how anyone can tap into these abilties with a
broad range of courses.

President Trump nominates judge Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court seat left vacant by RBG | FULL
44,025 views•Streamed live 4 hours ago

Trump needs to win in a landslide to have power over NWO. The fraud
is rampant. Ex....
Temporary contractor threw Trump mail-in ballots in trash, Pennsylvania
county officials say
The FBI is investigating and Trump has used the incident as a rallying

ByAlisa Wiersema
25 September 2020, 18:37
• 5 min read

NWO long time made Sweden & EURO as a test country for their anti-
human depopulation ISIS destruction etc. before they introduce their
agenda to US and globally - ex...

Important Factual International Info -
if NWO try EURO 1st and after it will be repeated
in US ex...

Important Factual International Info -

On Vote-By-Mail
by J. Christian Adams
June 16, 2020 at 5:00 am

Trump and Nobel Prize: Make Deals Not War
by Amir Taheri
September 20, 2020 at 4:00 am

Translations of this item:

At first glance, Donald Trump may actually have a claim to the Nobel
Peace prize.
He has brokered normalization between Israel and two of its erstwhile
Arab enemies, with more expected to follow.
He may have also cleared the last foyer of conflict in former
Yugoslavia by mediating a settlement between Serbia and Kosovo.

Trump the peacemaker -
The liberal elites on both sides of the Atlantic react to that phrase
with a hearty "Ha! Ha! Ha!" or an angry cry of "scandal".

What matters, as far as the Nobel judges are concerned, is that
he did it;
he brought peace where there was conflict.

But if they do award Trump the Nobel Prize, he will be the fifth US
president to gain the accolade. And if
he does,
he would be the most
deserving of them all.


Yes, they know NWO communist will repeat it here what they did in EURO -
Yes, they been forced to leave their farms and country for
Freedom, Liberty and Rights They Will Stay & Fight With TRUMP For USA -
Mennonites 5000 allowed to escape stalin from Russia to Brazil
to escape stalin NWO communist from Russia to Brazil -
but about 50 million murdered by the communist in Russia -

Mennonites in Brazil face diversity and challenges -
The first Mennonites arrived in Brazil in 1930, coming as refugees from
Russia/Ukraine, where their property, churches and schools were taken
over by the NWO communistic state during the Stalin years.
In 1929 thousands of Mennonites (15,000–25,000) and other groups took
their few belongings and travelled to Moscow to get visas only 5000
allowed to leave about 50 million in Russia murdered by the communist -
Ex...a modern version...

When a man's ways please -
the LORD, He makes even his enemies -
to be at peace with him.


God Bless America -



10/02/20 2:06 PM

#81032 RE: wedman #80012

Sean Hannity to President Trump: Heritage Election Fraud Database
Demonstrates Threat of Voter Fraud

1,992 views•Oct 1, 2020
The Heritage Foundation
161K subscribers

A Victory over Terrorists Raises a Question over Election Reporting
by Chris Farrell

October 1, 2020 at 5:00 am

by Shermann

Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Event in
Duluth, MN 9/30/20

Hannity: President Trump 'steamrolled' Biden in first debate
94,864 views•Sep 29, 2020
Fox News
6.27M subscribers

Why Alberta & B.C. To Join Up With Alaska Better Exit Canada & Fast!
thanks 'crazy horse 0' on 'Keep America Great ! -

Trump don't need to send up the marines -
US owns about 80% already but the NWO left wings want it -
and give it to NWO China like the Canada oil -

China NWO put it tanks to have the Canadian oil
for NWO WWIII they know NWO Hitler run out of oil and
lost the war -

but NWO did their depopulation of humanity and
it's NWO agenda to priority to have only 500mil and kill
the 7 billion people -
its what NWO agenda is all about -

God Bless