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09/26/20 12:45 AM

#18008 RE: bigworld #18007

Bigworld, >> full blown civil war <<

On the 'Divide + Rule' front, I noticed that a new radio network recently sprung up called 'BIN - Black Information Network'. I stumbled upon this the other day while driving, and it turns out that this highly divisive network just happened to spring into life, as if on cue, just 4 weeks after the George Floyd killing.

Far from a coincidence, this network launched in 15 big markets across the country, and now has approx 3 dozen stations. There's no question that like BLM and Antifa, this is part of the orchestrated destabilization program by the Deep State.

It turns out this network is part of iHeartMedia (ie Clear Channel). Clear Channel was the outfit that bought up almost every radio station in the US after the Feds deregulated the media ownership laws in the 1990s. That deregulation was what allowed a handful of huge media companies to control virtually every source of news in the country. Not long after, the radio stations all went to the 'Neocon Radio' format.

Now the plot thickens, with a deliberate internal destabilization of the US by the same bunch. When these 'BIN' stations start broadcasting, they reportedly start out by playing Malcolm X's 'The Ballot or the Bullet' speech, which gives you some idea of what they're pushing -- division. Sowing racial division to keep everyone squabbling and divided is the immediate goal. This is a deliberate destabilization, and the Deep State is clearly doing it, but what is the broader reason?