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09/24/20 5:57 PM

#15285 RE: Stonemoney #15284

I gather that Vennwest got pissed that George wouldn't deal with them. I mean you know that George doesn't want to deal with Quirk and who knows maybe Kevin & Quirk may have tried to lure HDC into the arms of Vennwest and George seen that fiasco. So with that maybe they feel if they tug hard enough and long enough that George will give in.

Intel, yes that sucks and they will probably win the suit unless HDC forces Jury trial.

As for George/HDC partnering with anyone, that looks bleak coming directly from what HDC HAS SAID AND DONE (NOTHING IN THIS AREA) so HDC created their own crap too!

George has enough shares to totally control the company and those shares I talked about long before "C" series came to pass "D" series so it just doesn't matter with (me) being the CEO cause I still win in the end while all the retail investors can continue to lose as the CEO I win.

Anyone here that thinks HDC has really done their best at trying to partner with anyone except themselves had better take a serious look and know HDC has done nothing in this area. If they did and you were them would you not tell your investors? Would you not keep your investors informed on such things.

It is time for a post by MBMoney!
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09/27/20 1:12 PM

#15288 RE: Stonemoney #15284

I just wonder? Not that Vennwest and Quirk combine have 80 million shares but we did know Quirk had around 12 million shares left. So does that mean Vennwest is sporting around 50-60 million shares? What are the chances that Vennwest “once” had “B” or “C” series shares but now have just common regardless if they were common shares to begin with or converted.

Let me wonder about the reasons why if I am Vennwest and hold say 50 million common shares and Quirk might still hold 12 million shares why would I not get in on the original lawsuit with Quirk and Bear? Is Bear related to someone in Vennwest or perhaps Quirk?

If I had the kind of investment in HDC that you somewhat sense that Vennwest might have why would I not pursue HDC from the get go? Any problem between the relationship as to business restriction dealing from Canada? Well, perhaps Vennwest felt Quirk might be able to personally pursued HDC to move toward Vennwest in some type of business deal or perhaps get close enough and friendly to buy HDC assets which are dwindling, maybe supply money to fight Intel?

I’m afraid I would have come directly at HDC had I been Vennwest “provided” I had a “remaining” and serious investment in HDC.
Some of the moves these players made are not normal but was that planned or mistakes at pursuing HDC, what move would George counter with?

You have read and posted things that have come directly from Quirk’s emails trying to raise the messiah George to great heights yet if you recall back in 2010 and so forth, remember the fiasco’s.

On another thought is it possible since George has the means to out vote and to control HDC regardless of the entire “existing” shareholders and their holdings that Vennwest and several other know that when it comes time to close shop that the only one that will win might be George?

I have the answer that you and I need. We need Vennwest & Quirk to buy around 350 million shares and let them fight it out with George while the rest of us sell and finally leave Dodge City with our pockets finally half full.

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09/28/20 2:57 PM

#15289 RE: Stonemoney #15284

they are not dragging the stock down. The current management is and has been. The current management has diluted shareholders beyond belief---and that is what vennwest/quirk are trying to remedy. The problem is it may be too late to fix this sick stock.