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09/24/20 10:18 AM

#39058 RE: EichKing #39053

People catch colds all the time....we don't shut the planet scam and you are perpetuating the fear mongering...

It's important to look at the disease, without allowing your politics to impact your opinion. I'm a conservative (as might be surmised by looking at any random two or three of my posts) BUT, based on my ongoing reading of the scientific/medical literature, Covid IS an awful disease, with lingering damage (for a significant percentage of the infected population), including CV complications, strokes, neurological damage, and much more.

It is true that liberal politicians are having a heyday with Covid, blaming Trump (but NOT the CCP!!!), imposing unnecessary shutdowns, and in general using it as an excuse for giving vent to their totalitarian impulses. At the same time we need to recognize that this is much worse than the flu, and that is not a liberal or conservative stance.

What we need is a vaccine and good therapeutics to prevent long term damage to the patient, like..., let's see, how about PLX-PAD!!!

BTW, given the huge increase of infections in Israel, you would think that if the ongoing P2 and compassionate use corroborates the early eight patient results, they'd have the drug in the clinic immediately. On the other hand, bureaucracies are stupid and corrupt (in the USA and Israel and everywhere else, which is why I'm a conservative). We'll know who made the right decisions in six months or so.


09/24/20 1:17 PM

#39068 RE: EichKing #39053

Question: In the US, is a typical mortality rate for the flu 200k in (6) months?