well ive been following this banter all day on this board, and from what i can see it seperates the day traders and the serious investors. my confidence was a little shaken by the constant bashing of appi latly, and so i called them personally today. and after talking to them and rick, i am much happier in my descion to keep my position. after all it was just christmas, and companies dont work 24/7 just for share holders. they have lives and days off too. and 1.2 million in finacing and a merger takes a lot of paperwork and time. adn time is one thing that is fleeting around this time of year. both because of the holidays, and for tax reasons. so im not to suprised they havnt released any news. theres none to give right now. and after all they have to do whats best for the company. do you think that a great press release would do them any good right now while people are dumping stocks for tax losses??? no, theyre not stupid. it would make much more sense to release it when people want to invest, and the companies that they want to work with are looking at investment possabilities, not tax writeoffs.
certain people(who shall remain nameless) that have been bashing appi for the past couple of days(and i know you know who i mean) are doing so for one thing. for the unsure weak investors to dump thier shares so they can make a quick buck off them. do you think anyone is going to be dumping appi on tuesday of the new year...prob not. the real investors here know whats happening, and the jerks are trying to scoop up every last share they can at the cost of appi's integrity.
appi has done nothing for us to doubt its news. it has given it to the public when it gets it, and there is nothing to say otherwise.
if you really want to get a feel for the company and its plans call them. go right to the source. thats what any real investor would do.
its a penny stock so eiter way its a gamble. i can give you 30 stocks that didnt work out to anything for every 1 that did. do your own dd and dont use other peoples "feelings" to go by. you win some you lose some. this company has legitimate foundations, financing proposals, and plans.....DO YOUR OWN DD....
this is nothing more then friendly advice, always go to the source. call them yourselves.
(i did not use spell check for this so im sorry for any of you that that might be a problem for)