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09/23/20 8:32 PM

#234758 RE: seschm #234757


At this point I'm not inclined to sell either. I wouldn't sell prior to establishing LT gain's in any case.

ASH, which occurs the 1st week of December will be very interesting.

With the data on hand, albeit very early and only ph I data, shows that Trillium has a possibility as an mono to go head to head against the majority of Checkpoint drugs in Blood Cancers.

That's great news but it doesn't answer the biggest question and that would be if Tril's drugs play nice with other drugs in Combo. They also still need to see something in Solid Tumors.

If the above question's are positive, the risk of either Merck or BMY in not buying Tril are enormous.

Trillium, which was on death's doorstep a mere year ago now has in excess of $250 mil in the till to provide these answers on their own.

As Always, good luck.