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12/28/06 2:23 PM

#105462 RE: movieguy #105461

Thanks Movieguy, the straight shooting is much appreciated.
Lets hope for a new years miracle!!


12/28/06 2:27 PM

#105463 RE: movieguy #105461

MG...Good clear-headed post! I also think 2007 is the year that will never see these lows again.


12/28/06 2:37 PM

#105464 RE: movieguy #105461

I'm still trying to reconcile a couple of things ...

... your post stated the pieces perfectly.

"the departing of Jensen and Copus are telling. They couldn't get the job done, they did a horrible job and are gone."


"The technology is now coming to market"

But but but ... Jensen and Copus were the guys in charge while things like the NewsCorp deal (well, the deal with the 3rd cousin twice removed, anyway) were put in place.

Many have said (not Neomedia, but many HERE) that this NewsCorp deal is HUGE, for us to read between the lines, to envision where it could go. If it is huge ... why would Jensen and Copus be canned on the eve of that? If it is huge ... why wouldn't Jensen and Copus be forgiven for their parts in the overexuberance of the acquisitions and the irresponsibility of their terms?

Because if it IS huge, then it will make the share price go up ... and as well all know ... if the share price goes up, we ALL wouldn't really care all that much about past sins, we'd be patting everybody, ourselves and each other on the back for making the HUGE money-making move and the agonies caused by these past sins would rapidly fade into distant memory.

Hard for me to reconcile these recent events.

Open to input.



12/28/06 3:19 PM

#105468 RE: movieguy #105461

Movieguy, Thanks for your post.

I also certainly understand and empathize with RonMexico's thoughts. Neom has made a lot of ill-fated decisions that have brought us to where we are today. But we are still hanging on for dear life.

The good news is that the qode technology appears to be finally ready for prime time, and the market appears to be finally ready for qode. I believe we now have a great sales and marketing team with Roger Pavane heading up the U.S. and Gavitec's Dr. Christian Steinborn heading up Europe and Asia.

We are getting our house in better financial order with the selling of Mobot, Sponge, and Micropaint. I would expect we will spin off Triton and 12snap as well. All the signs point to us keeping Gavitec, which is the one acquisition that had the best synergy with qode to begin with.

I also remember well the financial example that Chas drew up on the easel with Word Registry...implying sales in the billion + range would be a conservative estimate.

All the potential is still there...the market is ready...we just need to capitalize on the opportunity. If we do, 2007 will be a much better year for all concerned.

It's a big "if" and there is huge risk. I could sell now for the tax loss, but I prefer to give Neom another quarter or so to demonstrate that they "have their act together", and hopefully the pps will materialize into a positive ROI.

How many other shareholders have similar sentiments? How many will sell by tomorrow? How many will wait it out and re-evaluate on a quarter by quarter basis?



12/28/06 4:40 PM

#105478 RE: movieguy #105461

MG, it's nice to know that not everyone on this board is running scared. I'm not blind to the errors that have been and I don't think that management is either. It takes guts to do a "180" but management seems to be pulling it off.

I look for a load of excitement---GOOD excitement---in early '07.




12/28/06 4:55 PM

#105482 RE: movieguy #105461

This whole post is a joke right?

First of all what you mean leading edge technology and the right phones werent there to support it? The phones were in fact there and NEOM couldnt get its product to work on the phones. I think you have that concept backwards.

Then you mention Chas talking about the billions they were going to make? My gosh they havent made anything yet and you fell for the billions remarks? Did he say how many years that would take. I think the entire mobile marketing over the next 3 years is only supposed to be a couple billion, and NEOM is going to take all of it? Sounds that way when you mention billions and not 1 billion.


12/28/06 6:09 PM

#105504 RE: movieguy #105461

Movieguy well stated

All the Best, JP