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STL Stock

09/22/20 11:57 AM

#45056 RE: Winston #45042

Everyone is an adult and can make decisions for themselves. It is not even Q4 and people are in panic mode for no good reason other than a chart in red. I have done my own DD and it has lead me to choice that this is a good pick LONG TERM. We all know the risks with OTC's and know their volatility. I personally do not get discouraged by short term dips unless their is a valid reason to be. So for me personally I will buy the dips and continue to buy and hold until I hear DA/RM is cancelled. In my opinion dumping/running from this stock with anything but a solid release of DA/RM is cancelled is foolish. Too often in this day in age people want instant gratification. Unfortunately that is not how business works or how the market works. I personally have not invested anymore than I am willing to lose. If one has invested their life savings into an OTC stock that is their bad and not smart to begin with.

People look at the wrong things. For example, conversion deadline extended. Some took it negatively as if there is some nefarious reason for doing so. I took it as, "PASO wants to benefit investors big and small". They could have easily have said, "Too bad so sad, conversion deadline is the 18th of September and we don't care if you were not able to convert on time". That to me would have raised a red flag whereas, the decision to extend made me feel warm and fuzzy that PASO actually gives a damn about their investors to provide them with an extension to convert. Everyone is different and has an opinion. I am holding until I get news DA/RM is cancelled. Nothing but will make me run. With that everyone is responsible for themselves and can make their own choices and one should not invest more than they are willing to lose in any stock whether on the big board on in the OTC's.

STL Stock

09/22/20 12:11 PM

#45068 RE: Winston #45042

What is also annoying to see is people saying, "It iS a PuMp aNd DuMp fReUd" or something along those lines. As if that isn't highly illegal and would have the FBI and SEC knocking on the door of PASO. But people just seem to think these things are common practice or something. Idiots at worst ignorant at best.