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09/21/20 5:22 PM

#21964 RE: Whalatane #21959

Kiwi, I need to point out a couple things about your post and some of my own thoughts.

You said the interview was several weeks ago but it came out 9/11, 10 days ago. Maybe add a day or two for editing but it was less than 2 weeks ago. Definitely not several (3+)

You also wrote that in the interview Javitt said about 4 weeks but he actually said about a month. That led me to believe somewhere around mid-October he would see the unblinded data.

I don't think the PR today has any relevance on the matter. They need to be more careful when announcing official PR's. Before the end of the year is still mid-October. They will see the data before we do so the PR is being conservative.

This is all much ado about nothing in my opinion. It may be taking a little longer to enroll patients as a previous poster mentioned. But the share price will be ultimately be decided by the FDA anyway.

Unless you are day trading, which maybe you are, the daily SP really doesn't mean anything. The FDA approving the drug is the only thing that matters the next 30-60-90 days.

The big story of the day (IMO) was the unofficial announcement that EUA had been applied for on 9/17 for very severe patients. I've searched every calendar I can find on the FDA's site and others and so far have come up empty. This will probably be a daily routine for me now, lol. If they can somehow get an early EUA that would be the biggest catalyst for everything going forward. The stock price would certainly respond accordingly.

IF it's true, then I agree with you they've got an uphill climb with such limited data. It would be very surprising to get an early EUA prior to trial completion. If anyone could do it though... it's probably Dr. Javitt.

I'm editing this to add the info on BARDA and the 6 inhaled patients Javitt spoke about were also 1st mentions today. Up til now it was speculation based on leaked emails and BARDA pre-print numbers. I took today as extremely positive.
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09/21/20 6:18 PM

#21971 RE: Whalatane #21959

Thanks for the clarification kiwi. That goes back to your concern re HGEN introducing lenzilumab before we get all our ducks in a row. Gives me the heebie-jeebies!