You mean the week people ASSUMED the 8-k would have been filed, but were all a bit misinformed. While I may be a small time trader and relatively new, I do understand legal proceedings and such. If there were details still to be worked out, then the Judge didn't have anything completed to sign. Therefore more time was provided to the lawyers to hammer out all the details. Specifics matter to the courts, and even more so when so many different and varied interests are involved.
Now that it's LIKELY that today's hearing will formalize the agreements made between all the lawyers and such there is reason to anticipate a rise in PPS and the 8-k would come this week too. I say likely because there is always a chance something could change during the hearing and the Judge doesn't sign off today.
This will be an exciting week. But NO ONE knows how it will actually play out, until it does.
In this context, last week makes perfect sense.