It shows that one group of investors filed to remove NP as the CEO - so if all retail investors start sending e-mail to Dr Kelly, he will feel the pressure
“He also said that Goldman Sachs Partners Fund, Bain Capital and Ziff Capital Partners chose not to invest in CytoDyn because of Pourhassan.
“We are all familiar with the CEO’s background and demeanor,” Dockery wrote. “He also tends to be somewhat of a ‘showman,’ which can tend to turn off institutional investors.”
Pourhassan acknowledged in an interview that the institutional investors declined to invest, but said it was not because of him. Last November, Dockery and his fellow plaintiffs asked the board to terminate Pourhassan as CEO.
“Over the last several years, it has become abundantly clear that Dr. Pourhassan is not up to this task,” they said in a letter included in court documents.”